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Code 570 On IRS Transcript – What Does It Mean?

Tax Code 570 on IRS Transcript 2022-2023

Code 570 On IRS TranscriptTax Code 570 on your IRS Transcript means additional reviews are required and your return processing and refund have been temporarily frozen. Generally, you will see Transaction Code 570 (TC 570) on your tax transcript under the Explanation of Transactions section. This cycle code will appear after your return is entered into the IRS master file.  Tax Code 150 on an IRS Transcript means the return is received, entered into the IRS master file, and is under process within the system.

Tax code 570 indicates additional reviews are being done.  As a result, your return processing and refund payment are frozen until further resolution. This generally corresponds with a WMR/IRS2Go message that your return is under processing or review (Tax Topic 152). There is a wide range of topics covered by TC 570.  Therefore, resolution can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do anything until the IRS releases an update.  This is usually by formal notice.  However, the IRS occasionally reconciles the situation internally. When the problem is resolved, the IRS will release another update or notification (TC 971). TC 971 is the generic code that an IRS notice or letter has been issued.  This notice will provide further information about the issue or alert you of extra IRS delays.  For example, an additional 60-day review to assess your situation.

Code 570 on IRS Transcript 2022-2023 – According to IRS Section 8 Master File Codes

Additional Liability Pending and/or Credit Hold  Freezes (—R freeze) module from refunding or offsetting credit out. (Source:

Tax Code 570 on IRS Transcript – How Can I Resolve This?

Code 570 on your transcript may be due to many factors, such as a mismatch with employer-reported wage income, injured spouse claims, ID verification, or reconciling tax credits.  For instance, the EITC, RRC, or CTC claimed in your tax return versus what the IRS has on record.  The IRS tax systems cannot automatically reconcile these issues, they are sent for additional review and verification. This results in TC 570 showing up on your tax transcript. However, it means your return is on hold.  No further processing or refund payment can be made until this hold is lifted.

  • Internal resolution – Following further analysis, the IRS may be able to address TC 570 issues internally on its own.  In this instance, it requires no further action from the taxpayer.  Your return will automatically be released for further processing, including refund payment. An IRS internal or automatic resolution would typically delay your return by one to three weeks. You will be notified of the settlement and given the option to dispute the IRS adjustment. However, refund processing and payment will resume in the meantime.
  • Additional information required – Sometimes, the IRS needs more information to resolve the issue.  In that case, it will send a letter to the tax filer seeking additional papers or facts. They will send a formal notice to the taxpayer recorded as TC 971 on your transcript.  This notice will explain the issue, any disparity, or possible refund reduction.  The notice will further outline your alternatives regarding the next actions to be taken.

What do the amounts on code 570 line mean?

If the IRS is reviewing your return and the issue is non-monetary, it may have a $0 amount showing on the TC570 line. If the IRS updates your return, the amount may change depending on the resolution. Unfortunately, this may cause any possible refund payment to be delayed.  Given current IRS backlogs, this might take several days or weeks longer than usual.

What do the dates next to code 570 on my IRS Transcript transcript mean?

You should go over the dates as well as the amounts on your transcript lines. Transaction lines can span multiple tax years.  Therefore, make sure you’re only looking at the ones for the current year. For example, 2022 dates for the 2022 tax season. If you see TC 971 and then TC 570 on your transcript with the same dates, it usually implies the IRS has automatically reduced your refund amount and mailed you a notice of resolution.

If there are no additional errors and you see Code 846 on your IRS Transcript,  it is confirmation that your federal tax refund is approved and in process for payment.  As a result, you should be reimbursed within 3 to 6 weeks. If you see TC 570 then TC 971 with various dates and your return amount has not changed, it implies that the IRS is still processing and will likely take longer than the regular refund processing timetable. The IRS Code 971 on an IRS Transcript indicates different possible actions based on the specific Action Code. The IRS usually sends a letter providing more details.  To limit the length of time your refund payment is delayed, you must follow the directions in the IRS letter that was mailed to you.  Promptly reply to requests for extra information or verification when requested.

Frequently Asked Questions

Code 570 issues are resolved – Code 571, TC 572, and TC 846

When your TC 570 moves to Tax Code 571 (freeze resolved) or TC 572 (Resolved Additional Account Action), you will know it has been settled. Another indication is if the sum is reduced to $0 as a result of the matter being resolved internally. Whatever the resolution, a final notice (TC 971) will be issued. If no further problems are discovered with your return, a refund (TC 846) will be issued for any refund payment outstanding.

How long will this delay my refund?

The IRS typically estimates that additional reviews will take 45 to 60 days. However, due to processing delays and backlogs, this has taken 90 to 120 days in recent tax seasons. Sometimes, the issue is minor or a common trend that the IRS is seeing.  For example, advance Child Tax Credit payment mismatches or recovery rebate credit overpayments.  If these common issues affect a large enough number of taxpayers, the IRS tends to implement auto adjustments.  Auto resolution can settle some issues fairly quickly, delaying refund payments for only a week or two.

Help! What if my IRS adjustment is wrong?

Taxpayers will have the ability to challenge any IRS adjustments.  Regardless, they will still receive the amended refund ahead of time. If they win their appeal, the IRS will pay them the additional refund at a later date. In certain instances, unsatisfied taxpayers can also call the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) for assistance.  This independent government service can help in resolving or claiming hardship relief. However, depending on the backlog, TAS assistance may take some time as it prioritizes true hardship instances.  For example, imminent eviction or pressing medical circumstances.

Your Appeal Rights

The IRS will send you a report and/or letter that will explain the proposed adjustments or proposed or taken collection action. The correspondence also tells you of your right generally to request a conference with an Appeals or Settlement Officer, as well as how to make your request for a conference. In addition to examination adjustments, many other things can be appealed, such as penalties, interest, trust fund recovery penalties, liens, levies, and offers in compromise. If you request an Appeals conference, be prepared to support your position with records and documentation. Appeals conferences are informal meetings. You may represent yourself or have an attorney, accountant, or other individual authorized to practice before the IRS represent you. If you don’t reach an agreement with the Appeals or Settlement Officer or you don’t wish to appeal within the IRS, you may appeal certain actions through the courts. (Source:

Up Next: Tax Code 846 on IRS Transcript 2022-2023

Code 846 On IRS TranscriptTax Code 846 on your IRS Transcript indicates confirmation that your federal tax refund is approved and in process for payment. However, you will likely see several transaction codes prior to the 846  IRS code. For example, before or after your 846 code, you may notice TC 570 (adjustment), TC 898 (BFS offset/non-IRS debt), and TC 971 (Notice sent).  These transaction codes alert taxpayers that extra adjustments are being made by the IRS before issuing your refund.

The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in the normal time frame of fewer than 21 days. However, it’s possible that some tax returns may require further review and could take longer. Nevertheless, IRS code 846 indicates your refund status is approved.  As a result, the reimbursement will be sent to your bank if you selected the direct deposit option. So, check with your bank regarding your refund.  Banks differ in how and when they credit incoming fund transfers. Also, be advised it may take several weeks to receive your mailed paper refund cheque.

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