What Is a Branded Title Auto? A branded title identifies a vehicle that has sustained damage due to causes like accidents, flooding, odometer tampering, etc. Once a brand has been assigned to a car’s title, it cannot be removed by repair, no matter how thorough. A branded title indicates that […]
Fullz – What Does It Mean? Fullz is a term in cyber theft meaning full or complete information. Criminals who steal credit card information use the word to refer to a comprehensive set of data on a potential fraud victim. A fullz information packet contains a person’s genuine name, address, […]
Credit Sweep – What Are Credit Sweeps in Corporate Finance? A credit sweep in corporate finance is an arrangement with a bank to utilize idle funds to automatically pay down a line of credit or loan. Credit sweeps are typically contracts between a bank and a client, usually a corporation. […]
What Is Painting the Tape? Painting the tape is a kind of market manipulation in which market participants try to affect the price of a security. One method is by purchasing and selling it among themselves in order to create the illusion of significant trading activity. The purpose of painting […]
What Is Rogue Trading? Rogue trading is the practice of trading securities using another person or institution’s accounts and money without proper approval or oversight. What is a Rogue Trader? A rogue trader is a trader who behaves recklessly and without regard for authority or rules. Their actions can ultimately […]
What Is Business Logic Business logic in programming is using custom rules to handle the exchange of information between a database and user interface. Business logic is essentially the part of a computer program that contains the information in the form of business rules. These rules define or constrain how […]